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Does Your Construction Jobsite Safety Program Need a Jump Start?

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Does your safety program need a jump start?
The medical profession has learned that most of us aren't going to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly. That's why they've invented Lipitor, beta blockers and other drugs that will help delay the inevitable. The ultimate rescue device is the AED or Automatic External Defibrillator. With one of these gizmos we can be just like the doctors we see on TV calling out "Clear", applying the paddles or pads, and shocking the heart back into its normal rhythm. AEDs save a lot of lives and you see them everywhere now, from hallways in buildings to construction jobsites.

Every construction company needs a healthy diet of safety training to prevent worker injuries and avoid excessive workers compensation insurance costs. Do you have a safety culture that constantly reinforces the importance of safe work practices or is it almost time to prime the defibrillator paddles because disaster has struck and your experience mod rate (EMR) is about to enter the RED Zone?

Unfortunately, the average construction company is like the average person. We want to implement the quick fix when we receive the diagnosis. We don't want to proactively do the right things every day so we avoid the problem in the first place. As individuals, we'll go on the starvation diet and get ourselves back in shape but we won't commit to a regular practice of diet and exercise.

A construction company can act the same way. Safety doesn't become a priority until something bad happens and insurance costs spike. Then, instead of focusing on the cause i.e. unsafe workers, you go on the equivalent of a starvation diet, going out to bid to buy cheaper insurance. Just like a Yo-yo diet, you get into a circular loop because you never treat the cause.

Construction companies, like individuals, have a choice to make. You either stay focused on diet/exercise/safety OR you endlessly bounce back and forth between the edge of disaster and recovery, never knowing what it's like to always be in the safe zone.

Don't wait until your company requires the equivalent of an AED. Hire a Risk Advisortoday and create a permanent culture of safety. It will be the best investment you make this year.


At what point should a company hire a full time safety manager? 
Posted @ Friday, February 05, 2010 9:46 AM by Brenda
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