• Comprehensive risk survey of all operations by trained risk management expert
  • Compliance audit of all subcontractor certificates of insurance
  • Review bid specs and advise accordingly
  • Operational risk survey
  • Calculate lowest possible EMR and create plan to achieve it
  • Estimate and analyze your Experience Mod Rate (EMR) for the next rating period
  • Safety training of all types
  • Provide regular educational seminars/webinars on risk management topics of importance
  • Design & implement annual Risk Reduction plans
  • Rewrite insurance/indemnification sections of construction contracts
  • Review all open workers’ comp claims & create plan to settle at lowest level possible
  • Feasibility study for captive or other alternative risk transfer/loss responsive program
  • Seminar for project managers on Contractual Risk transfer
  • Seminar for all supervisors on the financial impact of workers’ comp claims
  • Sexual harassment training
  • Evaluation of HR policy and procedures to comply with state and federal laws
  • OSHA safety audit of construction sites
  • Audit, update, and revision of safety manual
  • Audit, update, and revision of employee manual
  • Assessment and recommendation to improve return to work methods
  • Train HR staff in proper administration of FMLA and ADA
  • Specialized safety training (lockout/tag out, confined space, HAZCOMM, OSHA 10, etc.)
  • Train Supervisors in proper accident investigation techniques
  • Coordinate return to work program with primary occupational med clinic doctors
  • Train & assist your return to work coordinator
  • Conduct audit of current safety program
  • Provide legal hotline for complex HR legal issues

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