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Distracted Driving and OSHA Fines


distracted driving, cell phone liabilityWe all know that distracted driving has become an epidemic in the U.S.   In 2009, the DOT reports, more than 5,400 people died in crashes linked to distraction.  And yet, we continue to drive distracted.

As an employer, it is your obligation to provide a safe and healthy workplace.  If that workplace happens to be a company vehicle, than make sure you have policies and procedures in place regarding the use of cell phones and texting while your employees are operating company vehicles and machinery. 

OSHA has joined the ranks of those trying to combat this epidemic.  If you are an employer who requires the use of cell phones or texting while driving,  or who organizes workloads in such a way that texting is a necessity you could be setting yourself up for an OSHA citation and fine!  If OSHA receives a complaint regarding the necessity of employees talking or texting while driving, they will investigate and where necessary assess citations and penalties!

So, save a life (or 2 or 3) and save a penalty – establish and enforce your policy today!

Here's another blog post on the subject, and one more


Employees safety should be the first thing to be observe..
Posted @ Wednesday, March 30, 2011 6:53 PM by Hospital Construction
Very well stated! Employees should go home each night in the same shape that they arrived at work in - with all the same body parts intact!
Posted @ Thursday, March 31, 2011 7:33 AM by Debbi Kuhne
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